Web & Mobile App Development

Affie me has helped clients launch projects successfully at different stages: from product idea validation, and MVP implementation to post-launch support. Browse some of our case studies for a glimpse of futuristic mobile app solutions developed for our clients’ business success.

payroll image

Kenya Payroll

Over the past four years, we have been utilizing Rollcall. The Perennial Code Team has given us Easy-to-use Payroll Software offers features that help HR professionals save time and accomplish payroll tasks easily and more efficiently. It offers numerous sophisticated features, including Weekly, Monthly Salary Processing, Online Filing for (P9, P10), Arrears, Advance Payments, Leave entitlement and pay-outs, Incentives, Reliefs & Benefits, Deductions like. National Social Security Fund (‘NSSF’), National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF’), Kenya Revenue Authority (‘KRA’) and Management Reports.

Crowd Funding App

In an effort to improve efficiency, Perennial Code created an application for its payment and invoicing procedures. By using i Biz Accounts as their billing software, they were able to track spending, automate invoicing, and easily interface with their current CRM system.

. This integration decreased manual errors, enhanced cash flow management, and obtained real-time financial data insights. Moreover finance team was able to produce accurate financial reports quickly because to QuickBooks’ user-friendly design and powerful reporting features.

Rythumithra app preview for crowd funding app
segway inventory tracking with robo

Segway Inventory Tracking

In today’s technologically advanced world, data centres are vital for processing and storing massive volumes of data. This case study looks at how inventory control was streamlined in a data centre using Segway and QR code technology. Wants to automatically track Where are its servers located? you can reduce the possibility of misidentification or loss and guarantee that all data servers are precisely tracked and found. It will also facilitate the troubleshooting process and help identify any difficulties that may develop.

Health Analytics

Startup wants to build metric about preventive health care for students (primary and secondary schools). Client identified a process to track each student’s wellbeing, measurable by both teachers and their parents. We can record observations over time. We at Perennial code developed a Survey portal to capture each student’s health and behavioral information as data points.
Perennial Code built an web app thru which volunteers can visualize those insights of each students with metrics like categories and groups.

Health analytics image containing doctor and a patient
Learning Management System in the laptop

Learning Management System (LMS)

Developed a online learning platform for a client First Foundation.
which helped client to upgrade from traditional learning to the smarter, on-trend mode of sessions. We leverage advanced technologies to create a robust and scalable online learning platform. which enhanced client business, inspire educators & learners.

Enhancing Law Enforcement

A US based startup wants to build a Case Management System for a private law enforcement organisation to effectively handle and address events that were reported to them. Modern Case Management System (CMS) was created and put into use to solve such problems. It improved overall reaction times, streamlined process, and improved communication for all enforcement office employees.
Integrated incident management platform with centralised incident reporting. Streamlined data entry and implemented protocols for data carryover.

case Management cycle in Enhancing law enforcement
QR code access contorl system

QR Code Access Control

Perennial Code implements a QR code-based system for access control and attendance for contractor management at Defence Sites. The company gives contractors special QR codes connected to their accounts, allowing them access to specific regions. Contractors scanned their QR codes for site entry and attendance tracking at specified checkpoints upon arrival.
This improved contractor management, strengthened security protocols, and reduced instances of unwanted access. The defence facility saw an improvement in overall security procedures, precise attendance records, and accountability as a result.


Vidya Nagar Street Number 7, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500044

040 48513363,

+91 6303353309

